This website called The Scientific Electronic Library Online but this name is really long, so all the people called Scielo. It is an electronic virtual library covering a selected collection of Chilean scientific not very beautiful for me, because I love the colors and shapes and this site isn’t like that. In fact it is white with black letters and in the top part has a black with red logo and down it has a white rectangle that it is a seeker.
How often I visit this website?It depends, because there are many months that I don`t use it like in December, January and February but when I have to do some investigations to the university I use it a lot. I really like this website because the information is reliable and trustworthy, so when I used to the university I don’t waste my time searching in Google or in Wikipedia, because this sites have too much information and do not have the information backed. That’s why I prefer Scielo before others searching.