jueves, 13 de agosto de 2015

Bad habits and dental health


When you drink alcohol, it’s absorbed into your bloodstream and affects every part of your body. In the long term, this can put your health at serious risk.
Alcohol can wreak havoc on your digestive system, from your mouth all the way to your colon.
Alcohol abuse can damage the salivary glands and irritate the mouth and tongue, leading to gum disease, tooth decay, and even tooth loss.
Heavy drinkers face higher risk of mouth, throat, and esophagus cancers.
Alcohol dehydrates, and when you're dehydrated you don't have a lot of saliva in your mouth. Inside saliva there are anti bacterial agents which buffer acid, but when people are dehydrated these agents disappear, and so get more decay and erosion. Also, if you vomit after drinking alcohol, you're going to have problems with acid reflux. The affects are a bit like that of a bulimic patient, where you have teeth being eroded because of the acid coming out of your mouth.

Drink water during or after you have the drinks. Anything that's going to dilute the acid is good, and water will dilute the acid, so if you're having a glass of wine have a glass of water with it. If you've had a big night out, drink lots of water the next day, too. Chewing gum is OK because it stimulates saliva, but it must be sugar free - and water is better. Teeth are porous so they will pick up stains from red wine, coffee, spicy foods, so water is good for this, too. It's quite normal for teeth to stain, so you can use whitening toothpaste, but the only way to whiten properly is to do it at the dentist and don't brush your teeth straight away after drinking - it's the worst time, you're going to be brushing away the enamel. Wait 60 minutes because your enamel's been softened by the acid you've been given, and you don't want to make it worse. These things you have to do to not go causing damage to your teeth.

I drink alcohol but not too much, not all the weekends, because when you drunk a lot the day after is terrible and you feel bad, so I prefer to do it in a responsible way.

Evaluation of your Blogging Experience

What I think about my experience of writing in a blog is that it is a good idea to practice English, like how to write and how to speak. Also it helps a lot to know unusual things of my classmates because in a normal day we don´t talk about a travels or photographs that are important for me or like simple things that we have in home for example the TV.

With this experience my writing skills have developed a lot, because for me now is easier writing in English than years ago. Like I have already said, this is a good idea to practice this language and this will help as in the future, when we have to read some articles of other countries or to speak to people of different parts of the world.

In the blog activities I would do more group things like to write a letter to a classmate and then then he have to answer it or to write together a fiction history. These group activities will help as with the emotional intelligence and with the grammatical things because in those cases we can agree of what we wrote in the blog.

Other things that I would like to write about are:
  • ·         My pet
  • ·         My best friend
  • ·         My favorite sport

My Dreams

What I really want to do with my life is to be rich and travel to all the countries that it be possible. I think that travel gives you too many experiences because you know  different cultures and with different thoughts of the world. That’s why I want to travel to many countries because I would be a better person with a hug view of the life and the world.

If this dream came true, my life will change a lot because I will be more independent and and I'll have more confidence in myself. In the family life I will be very alone because my mother and my sister will stay in Chile and I will stay in different countries.
The University, money, fears, family, society, fiends and myself are the things that stop me from achieving my dreams.

I think that there are many things that I can change to be possible my dream. The only thing that is too difficult to have but it will help a lot to achieve my dreams is the money, because  if I be rich I will not be careful in what things I spend my money and I can used to pay all the flies to the different countries.

Other dreams that I have is to be a famous actress of Hollywood and be married with Zac Efron because he is handsome and when I see his movies I fall in love of him.

miércoles, 22 de julio de 2015

Carrer-Related Website


This website called The Scientific Electronic Library Online but this name is really long, so all the people called Scielo. It is an electronic virtual library covering a selected collection of Chilean scientific journals.is not very beautiful for me, because I love the colors and shapes and this site isn’t like that. In fact it is white with black letters and in the top part has a black with red logo and down it has a white rectangle that it is a seeker.
 How often I visit this website?It depends, because there are many months that I don`t use it like in December, January and February but when I have to do some investigations to the university I use it a lot. I really like this website because the information is reliable and trustworthy, so when I used to the university I don’t waste my time searching in Google or in Wikipedia, because this sites have too much information and do not have the information backed. That’s why I prefer Scielo before others searching.

miércoles, 24 de junio de 2015

My Favorite Photograph

Now I’m going to talk about a beautiful picture that it’s very important for me, not for the quality or the loveliness, is because the person and the animal that it show are very important for me.
I took this photo, like a selfie, in the Easter week in my car, going to the beach. It shows my only sister and my dog call Mona that were very important in my life. My sister is 4 years older than me but the difference of age don’t exist because we are mentally younger to our age (my sister more!! Because is older hahahaha). So, I have a good relationship with her, and many time travels together, like in the photo.
The dog, is 1 year and 4 months old and she come to home 1 year ago. She is a very especial dog because first of all she is bigger than I thought she will be. Second she is the most pampered dog in the world and third she is very funny.
That’s why I choose this photo, because it show many things that are important to me. 

miércoles, 29 de abril de 2015

 My favourite piece of technology

My favourite piece of technology is the TV that is in my mother’s room. We got it on 2011 but in that years I didn`t use it a lot because is in another part of the house, so it is very different. On the 2013 we bought a new TV so the old one that we bought on 2011 we put in my mother’s room.

I watch TV at least 2 hours a day and I love lo spend a lot of my time in front of the TV watching movies. But you can question, why the TV of your mother’s room and not of your room or another place of your house that have a TV? Is because my mother’s room is the only place in my house that has a TV near the bed, so I can watch TV lying in it very comfortable. I think that my life without the TV would be less sedentary and with more time to do productive things like studying.

Resultado de imagen para tv

miércoles, 22 de abril de 2015

My life in the University

First of all, the last year I studied Bachillerato in the University so in this term I don’t have many subjects because I didn't get all the subjects recognized . So now the subjects that I’m doing are english, that is very funny because I don’t have to study, it’s only learn and practice how to speak in English. Society and Culture is a very relaxing subject because the only thing that we are doing in the few classes is seeing old movies. Tennis is a little strange because I never in my life practice this sport, but is very easy the things that I’m learning.
The extracurriculars activities that I’m taking are volleyball. This sport is very funny and more if it’s in the university because we can meet guys of other levels.

What I expect from this new academic period is to search my own identity and recover all the energy that the lasts year I spend. 

miércoles, 15 de abril de 2015


My name is Francisca Muñoz Zelada. I was born in Santiago de Chile on October 28th of 1994. If you know a little of math you will know my age (20 years c:). I spent all my life in the same school called Saint Gabriel’s that is located near my home. But now I’m too old to be in the school, so I’m studying Odontology in the Universidad de Chile that is located in Independencia district. The members of my family are my mother, Juana, and my sister, Natalia. You can think that my family is very little and I agree, but one thing in favor: it's cheaper to travel to other countries. I spend my free time watching TV and doing some art attacks. My hobbies are playing volleyball, go to the beach and being scout. My favorite fruit are strawberries and watermelons.